( The Art Of Fortune Telling )
Receive a live one on one phone coaching with Master Prophet Noel that will teach you step by step secrets in operating in the prophetic.
Topic Include : Principle # 1 - The Art of Fortunetelling Todays Church Hidden Secret - Principle # 2 - The Wave of Foreclosure The Coming Crisis - Principle # 3 - The Church Will Encounter A Second Crisis That Will Pave The Way For Fortunetelling - Principle # 4 - The Church Will Embrace The Coming Prophetic Revival - Principle # 5 - The Ritual To Summon The Spirit of Fortunetelling - Principle # 6 - You Have Direct Connection To The Spirit World When Using The Tarot Cards - Principle # 7 - Purchase Your Tarot Cards - Principle # 8 - Fortunetelling The Future Using The Tarot Cards - Principle # 9 - Over The Phone Prophesying Using The Tarot Cards

Option # 1 - $10. 2 Audio CDS on MP3 Instant Download Plus 5 DVDs - You will get the complete course that is filled with powerful testimonies and methods.